Location of Serial Number
Serial number is of the format "A1234567890"
Serial Number can also be found under the electronics panel cover
Manuli Hydraulics is proud to introduce the Cryoflex hose range – the new standard for ultra low temperature
One of the biggest challenges for rubber hydraulic hoses is extreme low temperatures, as these can cause the hoses to become brittle. However, the innovative design of Cryoflex has overcome this challenge, retaining flexibility and structural integrity at a continuous service temperature of -57°C (-70°F).
Cryoflex can also be “cold-fit” in maintenance situations in extremely cold environments, due to the ingenious outer cover and inner tube rubber compounds. With working pressures of either 21 or 35 MPa (and an additional family with a working pressure of 42 MPa in development), the Cryoflex range is available in sizes DN 6 to DN 31.
As expected of the world’s leading supplier of integrated hydraulic connector solutions, Cryoflex is fully tested and validated for use with a wide range of Manuli Hydraulics’ one- and two-piece fitting solutions.
Click here to download the Cryoflex brochure for the full details about this groundbreaking new hose.
Download the Cryoflex/21 crimping chart and the Cryoflex/35 crimping chart here.